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  1. x__orion

    x__orion ::.unhomed.::

    Jul 2, 2006
    I was in the shower just now, and - as you do - was thinking idly about the forum. I've noticed in the past few weeks what seems to be a dramatic increase in people asking for advice in incest, getting their partners to do anal or threesomes, how to increase their penis size, etc...

    ...which led me to wonder: has porn begun to warp expectations of sex and relationships? Do we now have a youth that has become convinced, through the silver screen, that relationships are about sex, that girls will do anything, and all sex should be hard, fast, and a mimicry of what they see in the porn films? Do people expect easy sex, and big cocks - and if they don't have either, do they feel needlessly incompetent? Do you think it may have somehow lowered the average 'self-esteem' that people have sexually - if they can't go for as long, or aren't as big, or aren't as adventurous as the people they see, do they feel they've somehow failed?

    Just wondering, is all. The title is, I confess, partly for dramatic effect to get people in to read this.

    What do people think?
  2. Bukkake Bunny

    Bukkake Bunny Porn Star

    Jul 31, 2006
    I'd say what you describe is the best, most logical argument for keeping porn out of the reach of children under the age of 18. I started looking at porn at a young age and I'd be lying if I said it didn't have an effect on me. In videos where every girl is a buxom, blonde slut willing to do anything, and every guy is a beefy stud with an 8 inch cock, young men (and women), being exposed to little else as far as sex, will begin to believe that what is depicted in porn is "normal," despite it being anything but.

    Unfortunately I have no real solution to the problem, besides continued efforts to keep porn out of the hands of kids. No amount of consoling will ever really reassure somebody who's got it deeply ingrained in their head that his 6 inch cock is tiny or her B-cup breasts are small and unattractive.
  3. Incubus

    Incubus Horned & Dangerous

    Aug 2, 2006
    sex should be like the sex in porn. boring sex is lame. more people should watch porn, release their inhibitions and fuck each other silly.

    do you have any idea how much fun that it? :eek:

    Boring missionary style and roll over sex :(

    No holes barred fucking like rabbits on the kitchen counter sex:-D
  4. trumpet

    trumpet The Raging Horn

    Aug 24, 2006
    Yes. There is a worrying tendancy to think that the glamourous lifestyle (in whatever part of life) that is portrayed on the TV is what we should all expect. So everyone thinks they should have designer clothes, a big car, cool house, really attractive friends, a job that pays a fortune, a huge cock and a girlfriend who'll take it us her bum.

    And I can't help thinking that's got a lot to do with the disillusionment that so many people feel with the way society has "short-changed" them, and therefore why they lash out at others as they do.

    There's no such thing as society anyway.
  5. x__orion

    x__orion ::.unhomed.::

    Jul 2, 2006
    Thanks guys. Nice to know that I'm not the only one who thinks thus.

    Do either of you find that you've come away from the 'high quality' airbrushed porn, and gravitated to more real, 'amateur' sort of stuff? That would surely seem to be some sort of middle ground - that, or artistic erotica.
  6. Bukkake Bunny

    Bukkake Bunny Porn Star

    Jul 31, 2006
    I don't see amateur porn as much of a "middle ground." The women are more real looking but still willing to do virtually any depraved and debased sexual act they're commanded to perform which is simply ridiculous -- rare is the woman that open to exploring the dirty, sticky, disgusting depths of her sexuality. Artistic erotica is, I think, different enough from regular "porn" to make it not really a factor. Even though it's pornographic in content, the feeling one gets from it is that of artistic expression, not simple obscenity designed to get your rocks off. Also, I think it's less prevalent and so has a far lesser effect on a young mind.
  7. trumpet

    trumpet The Raging Horn

    Aug 24, 2006
    I tend to head for more amateur, less polished stuff, but I also tend towards stuff that I know I won't be enjoying in the real world. I mean, if it's going to happen in the bedroom (or the lounge, kitchen, dining room, bathroom, stairs, shed, car......) then what's the point of watching someone else do it?
  8. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I've always thought and still do that the actual damage is the opposite and that is what get's reflected in porn and then played out here on the forum.

    The real problem in my view is that sex and sexual relations were stolen by religion and then demonized. My theory has always been that was because males were in charge of everything else except sex for actually two physiological reasons. One was that females can perform sex at any age whether they want to or not, but not males, and the other is that it is actually harder for a female to achieve orgasm which tends to make males feel inadequate. So sex became something dirty and shameful and women who liked became whores.

    The problem is sex is and should be a very natural part of a humans life, so much so that it remains implanted in our reptilian brain, if also plays in your psyche and the more it is denied and repressed I think the weirder, more distractive and perhaps even dangerous it becomes.

    What I think I see is as these barriers begin to get broken down we as a society don't really know how to handle them, and we just keep trying to rush to the next barrier. It amuses me to this very day that one of the things the planners and implementers of the internet never envisioned was it being used for any kind of sex, even though if we think about it in the repressive terms I have described it is the perfect avenue. Millions of people who could not bring themselves to look at pornorgraphy because they would be to ashamed to purchase it or ask someone for it suddenly had access not just in the privacy of their own homes but also completely anonymously.

    That opened a whole new universe I would say of possibilities not the least of which is profit. I jumped right on the bandwagon too and then noticed a pattern. It started off with mostly just fucking, then anal fucking, then whips chains, then incest and rape and scat. Now was that the result of the publics sexual desires or was it more of a case of porno sites trying to out do the competition to come out with the next new thing. I think it was the porno competition and a sexually repressed public tagging along because they are not sexually experienced enough in real life to know what they really want or like.

    Its just completely different when you actually have two live humans doing it, enjoying it and feeling good about what they are doing. But left alone in just our own minds things can really become some sort of twisted sister.

    And that's the way I've been looking at all the incest stuff that seems to crop up on the forum lately. Not a drastic increase in actual incest but more of a desire to take part in the latest trend.

    I think sex just like violence in our entertainment can have some impacts but for most people that really doesn't play out in real life unless their life only consists of what goes on in their own heads which sadly for many people it does. But for the most part from what I've seen on this forum at least that is not us.

  9. x__orion

    x__orion ::.unhomed.::

    Jul 2, 2006
    As usual, you point out that what I said was completely absurd. You're good at that, you lawyer, you! :) You've made a good point - in a way, it's arguable that amateur stuff is worse. No longer is it perfect women on some sort of airbrushed 'pedestal', it could be your next door neighbour cementing the idea that all women should be up for anything.

    Aside from the religious side of this argument - which you make a good case for but I'm just not convinced quite does it for me - you've made a fantastic point: the 'slippery slope' of pornography. what starts out as a little off-the-cuff peak at a woman getting herself off degenerates into hours spent trawling the net for harder and harder stuff. I guess I was lucky in that, because my personal tastes finally settled at female solo and erotica, but I certainly did do some trawling at one point. And the thing about trawling is that, on the web, it's still just like fishing - you dredge up the bottom feeders, and those revolting things that should never see the light of day.

    Unlike real-life fishing, the deep-down catch doesn't explode when you find it. I'm sure it'll happen someday, though...
  10. majs

    majs Sex Machine

    Feb 5, 2008
    good point, but i think this goes far beyond just porn. This happens with everything. Music, movies, most media is what makes a impression on young society. But i agree with your point.
  11. scottystevens

    scottystevens Porn Star

    Jan 14, 2008

    I've been sexually warped most of my life. Can't blame the forum.

    Very proud of it, I might add. :p
  12. x__orion

    x__orion ::.unhomed.::

    Jul 2, 2006
    Is it not arguable that porn is the worst offender? Porn is the ultimate in fantasy: it's your overblown, supersized fantasy - realised right in front of you. More than any other media (bar possibly the fashion industry) I think it breeds insecurities.
  13. x__orion

    x__orion ::.unhomed.::

    Jul 2, 2006
    I'm not for a minute suggesting that we blame the forum.

    This question is more relevant, I think, to the consideration of those of us who are either young (18 - 20's) or the young of society at large.
  14. CasaDan

    CasaDan Porn Star

    Nov 22, 2006
    I usually don't look at porn produced by companies any more because I hate how fake it is. (Which is hypocritical of me considering I love hentai >_>)

    But I always find my self looking for things that are home made because to me, that's real and I like that stuff. I stay away from sites saying "Amateur" because that is too fake to me. After all, all you got to do is slap the word amateur on the video and that automatically makes it true, regardless of how much porn the person's done previously.

    I guess I'm a trend setter then... I've always had some strange fascination with incest related porn since I've been really young. I liked back when people would still flame others for posting related material here, even if it was just a question. So, kudos for me ^__^

    But anyway, at the original post, I don't believe it's porn that's the fault really... But more of the person who looks at porn too often. Things like TV and what's around you don't have that much of an effect on your personality and ideals and whatever else if they're taken in small quantities. But if you watch it constantly, devoting a large amount time to it, of course you'll change to match the situation. If you get what I'm saying.

    I mean, it's kinda like that one episode of Friends where Joey and Chandler discovered they got free porn. After watching it, they talked about how they mimicked it in life, and complained that it didn't happen in real life. At which point, the realized they watch too much porn and turned it off. I know it's just a show, but it does show a point...
  15. CasaDan

    CasaDan Porn Star

    Nov 22, 2006
    Actually, there is one thing that annoys me that I know is because of porn and porn sites... and that's when people think they're so original by saying 'cum' any time they use the word 'come'
  16. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    You make a point I missed or muddled badly. Because it is new and much of it taboo to the individuals mind there is a lot of exploration and searching until someone finds those things that really does attract them or excite them. But we also have to consider the breadth of the human spectrum. I was watching a program called Real Sex sometime back and a guy was filming underwater porn. While that seemed rather strange to me he pointed out that no matter what sexual nitch one could come up there was someone willing to pay for it. I think we see that here and one thing about this forum is being accepting of other people's tastes without being judgmental.

    But I don't see this having a huge impact on people in a negative or permanent way.
  17. x__orion

    x__orion ::.unhomed.::

    Jul 2, 2006
    Argh, God, PET HATE ALSO.

    I want to reach through standard TCP/IP and smash their heads on the keyboards until their foreheads type out "cum is not an acceptable or even enticing bastardisation of come". Clearly this may take some time, and probably a few attempts.

    Their problem, not mine.
  18. Furred Goddess

    Furred Goddess Big Beautiful Bitch

    Jun 27, 2006
    I feel porn has had a negative effect on people today, nowadays, young teens... some not even teens yet... feel the need to debase themselves and think that unless they are promiscuous, they aren't worth anything. Women keep getting pushed to go further and further sexually, many times against their will but due to the stigma that sex is boring otherwise and the fear of being called a prude, they just give in. My step mom is a prime example of this, while she was addicted to sex when she was a teen, my father has forced her to do things she was uncomfortable with like bestiality, fisting, and other acts. She enjoys sex none at all now, she sees it as punishment and torture but it doesn't stop my father's demands... all because he seen it in a porno. She taught me from an early age that all a woman is good for in the eyes of men is a sex toy and if I wanted to keep a man, I will forget my own wants, needs, and limits. I have been injured many times from rough sex and not complained, I have wanted to but I didn't. Because of how I grew up, I made myself crave sex more than I do food. Now note I am not against porn but against how it makes people view themselves and others. Porn itself is only as harmful as a person makes it but the problem lies in media enforcing these potentially dangerous ideals.
  19. x__orion

    x__orion ::.unhomed.::

    Jul 2, 2006
    I gotta say, Furred, that's a somewhat tragic story.

    I'm sorry that the negative aspects of exposure to porn pushing things as far as they clearly did. :(
  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I always thought those were two different words. i.e. Come over here and make me cum. Not you Orion, that was just an example, sometimes I still forget where I'm at around here.

    Not to discount the pain and suffering you and your stepmother has experienced but I still see this as more of our repressed and shameful attitudes about sex rather than the result of being exposed to pornography. Your father and your step mother both see her as a sexual object not a human being. Your father appears to be taking out all his inner aggressions on her and since your step mother and now you through her teachings have been indoctrinated into accepting the role of sexual object. No one involved can openly communicate and the cycle just continues.

    I don't want to pretend that I actually know your situation or appear to be judging you in any way its more like my own assessment of the general problem. But believe me I unfortunately have some experience with the inner feeling of you deserve what I'm doing to you and it has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with inner fears and repressed anger.