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  1. PiercingFaerie

    PiercingFaerie Amateur

    Aug 7, 2021
    I've put both through so much crazy, this would be the most normal thing I've done lol
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. phxbi_bear80
      I can relate to that in a way LOL!
      phxbi_bear80, Aug 18, 2021
  2. Niceguy49

    Niceguy49 Porn Star

    Dec 26, 2015
    Depending who of my friends or family found out would either be embarrassing or not. I am a closet bisexual but wouldn’t mind getting it on with some of my friends or family members. There is an upside.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Empathize Empathize x 1
    1. phxbi_bear80
      Well at least that's something!
      phxbi_bear80, Aug 18, 2021
  3. jarocks

    jarocks Porn Star Banned!

    Nov 27, 2018
    • wtf wtf x 1
  4. flipper972

    flipper972 Porn Star

    Dec 29, 2008
    I don’t care if they find me here. Because like many have said if they find it they are at least looking and playing on here as well. My wife knows I am here and a few other family members as well. I had found my brother in-law and his wife here. The only reason I knew it was then is one of the pics they had in an album was one I had took for them. I laughed about it and was on here when she walked into my house to pick something up and I left my laptop open on the table with the pic up. All she said is I guess we are busted. We both had a good laugh and called her husband and told him I had found the pic.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  5. PatC

    PatC Sex Machine

    Jan 1, 2016
    No, but if any did I'd just ask them, "What the fuck are you doing looking at a porn site like that, you damned pervert?" (The best defense is a good offense)
    • Like Like x 7
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. silenceisgolden
      Probably reply with “Doing the same thing as you but how do you like it” ,their get out for trying to catch you out
      silenceisgolden, Aug 18, 2021
      phxbi_bear80 likes this.
  6. phxbi_bear80

    phxbi_bear80 Abu el Banat

    May 29, 2019
    My friends and family would honestly be thinking of course he has a profile on a site like this, and would know what it contains without even looking. They would only be surprised by the fact they didn't already know lol!
    My only concern would be from my 3 teen daughters being traumatized by the sight of their father nude, but since they are all almost adults now, everything else they already know about...but seeing it is another story
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. notdescriptive

    notdescriptive motorcyclist

    Sep 23, 2007
    To anyone I've told, I say I'm on "a porn site". Don't specify so they'll have to do some searching, put in that effort if they really want to know.
  8. erotic_man

    erotic_man Sex Machine

    Apr 26, 2021
    Nobody knows what i do on internet from the people i know in my real life.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Braxton.B

    Braxton.B Poontang Connoisseur

    Dec 10, 2019
    I could care less if anyone I know saw it. I'm too old to give a shit what others think, plus I don't have dick pics or anything like that.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Jdub1.0

    Jdub1.0 Sex Lover

    Jan 11, 2020
    Daughter found it when she went through my phone. Now I don’t have a daughter. Fuck narrow minded judgmental people.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Empathize Empathize x 1
    • wtf wtf x 1
  11. j_rod247

    j_rod247 Porno Junky

    Nov 25, 2013
    I’d be curious to see what family would say. Not gonna run out and tell them about it but I wouldn’t be surprised if some family was on here.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. quiver

    quiver Amateur

    Apr 8, 2020
    I think i t would be a bit awkward
  13. Crazedude70

    Crazedude70 Porn Star

    Dec 18, 2017
    No one has found mine, that I know of. I’m not sure what i would do if someone found it. It would probably depend on who found it. I have shown this to my niece.
  14. Milo Cronos

    Milo Cronos The Sexual Intellectual

    Aug 29, 2011
    Anyone who knows me realizes early on (even in this P.C. environment) that I'm a highly motivated sapiosexual with a penchant for overt sexual content. I've shared my name on here with a complete lack of fear of anyone finding me that as far as I can tell no one has ever replied back that they looked into it?
  15. DBSKR123

    DBSKR123 Porno Junky

    Jul 25, 2021
    I have talked to a coworker that i have "a" profile somewhere. She is half my age and in a committed relationship and we are only friends, she thought it was a good idea that i have an outlet. We talk about non PC topics (PG language - topics may be more than PG) and we can vent to each other. She laughed when I told her I have written and posted stories. She was glad I had an outlet.
  16. maturemanners

    maturemanners Sex Machine

    Apr 9, 2021
    I used to have a profile on Ashley Madison that I made after I stopped seeing a lady. A friend of hers found it and told her, and she was furious. I asked her several times why it bothered her, since both she and I had moved on to new relationships. She never did tell me why she was upset about it.
  17. 3xm

    3xm Sex Machine

    Jan 29, 2018
    Id be embarrassed and mortified but fortunately all of my machines are password protected and all of my sex sites are hidden in disguised files and also password protected. Even if they found them by accident, they could never get access. Plus my family is as anal about personal security as I am. They don't go through my stuff and I don't leave it exposed.
  18. Shamelessh0m0

    Shamelessh0m0 Amateur

    Jul 20, 2021
    They wouldn't guess that it was me because I never put an image of my face or put any personal information that might hint at me.
  19. strywriter

    strywriter Porn Star

    Feb 13, 2021
    At this stage of life I don't think it would shock the family and our close friends know and most enjoy getting together with us because they share the same interests.