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  1. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    Or is the earth 6,000 years old as the Bible says. Only knowledge can defeats ignorance.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    The earth is flat is a book that explains how the internet has changed the fundamental rules of business and in particular, the supply chain.
  3. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    Teach history, don't hide from it just because you don't like what it reveals.
    • Like Like x 3
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  4. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    There ya go.
    Uh, which version of history?
  5. BigSuzyB

    BigSuzyB Porn Star

    Dec 11, 2015
    Fort Benning renamed Fort Moore. Nice one.
    • Like Like x 2
  6. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I have read much of Karl Marx, including what I studied in a seminar of Das Kapital, given by the American Communist Party. I think Karl Marx had two valid insights, and that he was mistaken about everything else.

    I have also read Mein Kampf, as well as selected speeches by Hitler, and comments he made to trusted associates that were recorded in Hitler's Table Talk: 1941 - 1944. I think Hitler had valid insights into human nature and social psychology, but that he was mistaken about the Jews.

    One should read a social thinker for insight, rather than doctrine. Most people like what the thinker writes, and agree with all of it, or they dislike it, and disagree with all of it.
  7. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    A comprehensive history of slavery will teach that whites of European descent did not enslave the Negroes. They were enslaved by other Negroes and sold to white slave traders. Until the invention of modern medicine whites of European descent could not enter the interior of sub Saharan Africa because of African diseases.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    And it's important to recognize that in 2022 in America there are no slave owners left alive, no slaves left alive, and damn few crackers who practiced overt racism.

    See, its important to recognize the evil that was and how we as a country have moved so far away from all that and into a brighter future.
    You know, look at the positive as well as the negative.

    And anyone who thinks retribution is a good idea needs to explain how the descendants of slaves should be given money by the descendants of slave owners.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  9. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Well, then, don't take Shooters post out of context.
    See how simple?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    Well which version do you want. Holocaust deniers say the same exact statement.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    Yes but how did we get there? In order to understand the world today, we must understand the past. @shootersa what ended slavery?
    • Like Like x 2
  12. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Shooter was talking about reparations, not historical lessons but sinc you asked, the deplorables ended slavery.
    1. View previous comments...
    2. shootersa
      Surely Shooter is serious, especially if it means keeping a hater like stumbler from teaching kids.
      By the way, like the new avatar.
      shootersa, Jan 5, 2023
    3. conroe4
      Looks familiar? I was just picking on toniter for his 'surely you jest' comment, and asking them to think for themselves.
      They are trained to spew the company line, no matter what. And they do, no matter what.
      conroe4, Jan 5, 2023
      shootersa likes this.
    4. toniter
      This deplorable/despicable stuff is getting really tedious. At first, I thought you were referring to Repubs/Dems, then I was sure you were referring to far right/far left, now it seems you're talking about Southern, White, non-college educated/Predominantly city, White and non-White, mostly college educated folks. Whatever, I can't (won't) make up my own interpretation.
      toniter, Jan 5, 2023
    5. shootersa
      Let Shooter help you.
      A despicable is a democrat.
      A deplorable is a republican.
      Probably a decade ago Shooter decided neither party is worthy of the name Democrat or Republican, so he gave them new names.
      shootersa, Jan 5, 2023
    6. toniter
      Thanks Shooter, for the clarity...
      Lincoln was a deplorable. Trump is a deplorable.
      All the Southern Confederates were despicables.
      History can be confusing.
      toniter, Jan 5, 2023
      shootersa likes this.
  13. BigSuzyB

    BigSuzyB Porn Star

    Dec 11, 2015
    Richmond Virginia removes the last of the cities confederate statues just a few weeks ago.
    A.P. Hill is gone but not his remains. His remains remain for now till they get a suitable resting place.
    The statue was given to the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia.
    Well done! The number of statues remaining has decreased significantly since the start of this thread.
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    Last edited: Jan 4, 2023
  14. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    About time too :)
    • Like Like x 1
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  15. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Fort Hood Gets a New Name Honoring a Texas-Born Four-Star General
    Drew F. Lawrence
    Tue, May 9, 2023 at 9:30 AM MDT

    Meet Fort Cavazos. As of Tuesday, the installation formerly known as Fort Hood, Texas, that has been at the center of several national controversies will no longer be named after a Confederate general.

    The new name honors Gen. Richard Cavazos, a Texas-born Mexican American who twice earned America's second-highest military honor during the Korean and Vietnam wars. Both instances of Cavazos' heroism involved rallying his soldiers against an entrenched or ambushing enemy, often exposing himself to fire and at least once refusing an order to leave his soldiers behind.

    This latest designation is part of the Defense Department's push to rename installations honoring the Confederacy; Fort Cavazos is one of nine Army installations being renamed after the Pentagon's Naming Commission delivered recommendations to the secretary of defense.

    Read Next: Meet the New Senior Enlisted Leader of the Space Force

    Fort Hood -- which has gained national media attention for strings of soldier suicides and murders -- is home to the Army's III Armored Corps, an organization that makes up the lion's share of the service's heavy armored units.

    "We are proud to be renaming Fort Hood as Fort Cavazos in recognition of an outstanding American hero, a veteran of the Korea and Vietnam wars and the first Hispanic to reach the rank of four-star general in our Army," Lt. Gen. Sean Bernabe, III Armored Corps commanding general, said in a press release. "General Cavazos' combat-proven leadership, his moral character and his loyalty to his soldiers and their families made him the fearless yet respected and influential leader that he was during the time he served, and beyond."

    Fort Hood was originally named after Confederate general John Bell Hood. As of last year, the Army estimated that the renaming of the base would cost about $1.5 million.

    Given Hood's troubling recent history, including the death of Spc. Vanessa Guillén in 2020 that launched an investigation into the way leadership handled sexual assaults and murder investigations, some are not convinced that the new name will result in much change for the installation's reputation.

    "Now they're going to rename the installation, so hopefully that's going to take away the negative PR," Sean Timmons, a Texas-based managing partner for the Tully Rinckey law firm and a former judge advocate general at Fort Hood, told Military.com in an interview last month. "But it's just going to be a new name and the same business as usual practices. It's not going to change anything."

    Last month, Military.com reported that two female soldiers died in March at the installation. Both had died by apparent suicides, yet the Army reported only one publicly.

    Army leaders appear excited to welcome a new, fresh chapter in the installation's otherwise troubled history by honoring the "Texas-born hero of the Korean and Vietnam wars," as an Army press release referred to Cavazos, and his acts of gallantry in combat.

    "Fate brought Richard E. Cavazos into the American Century," the Naming Commission's final report read. "But valor and leadership characterized his career of military service within it."

    The son of a World War I veteran, Cavazos joined the Reserve Officer Training Corps and commissioned as an infantry lieutenant toward the beginning of the Korean War.

    "It was during that war's closing days that he first distinguished himself as a leader, rallying his men to make three separate charges on a well entrenched enemy position," an Army press release said. "Afterwards, he returned to the field five separate times to personally evacuate his wounded men before accepting treatment for his own injuries."

    Cavazos would go on to serve in the Vietnam War as a battalion commander, again distinguishing himself in combat.

    "He was an atypical army officer in Vietnam," Bill Fee, who served under him, said in a U.S. Army museum interview. "Most battalion commanders stood in the rear or in a helicopter above to direct the battle. ... [He] had nothing to do with that. He fought on the ground with his troops during battle. … He was on the ground with us as we were facing the North Vietnamese Army."

    Then-Lt. Col. Cavazos counterattacked the enemy at Loc Ninh, Vietnam, leading an assault against a fortified position and again exposing himself to fire.

    In addition to earning two Distinguished Service Crosses, Cavazos earned two Legions of Merit, a Silver Star, five Bronze Stars, the Purple Heart and a bevy of other awards. He commanded III Corps at Fort Hood and became the first Hispanic American to achieve the rank of four-star general, according to the commission's report.

    After serving for 33 years in the Army, Cavazos retired in 1984. He passed away in 2017 at the age of 88, according to the service.

    • Like Like x 2
  16. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    Texas was once part of the traitorous confederacy. No wonder it named a fort after a confederate general. But once Texas rejoined the US. It's only fitting that the fort gets a new updated name.
    • Like Like x 1
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  17. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    It has taken too long to address things that should have never happened in the first place. It was a huge mistake to try and play nice with the South and not just forgive and forget but allow them to erect Confederate monuments and name forts after Confederate generals. All that did was give the Confederacy a false appearance of legitimacy and let them try to re-write the history of the Civil War that was about the "lost cause" state's rights, and northern aggression. When the Civil War was about one thing and one thing only. Preservation of slavery. And those who fought to preserve slavery were literal traitors against the United States of America . And traitors need tob e condemned not honored.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    They seem to be moving right along with renaming forts. And I am very glad to see it.

    Army officially designates Fort Moore, dropping Confederate name Benning
    The children of Lt. Gen. Hal and Julia Moore join the command team at what's now Fort Moore during the unveiling the new sign, Thursday morning, May 11, 2023, at Doughboy Stadium in Fort Moore, Ga. The Army's training hub in Georgia was renamed Fort Moore from Fort Benning during a ceremony Thursday, replacing the name of a Confederate officer that had adorned the base for more than a century with that of a decorated Vietnam War commander and his wife. (Mike Haskey/Ledger-Enquirer via AP) (ASSOCIATED PRESS)
    Thu, May 11, 2023 at 11:25 AM MDT

    FORT MOORE, Ga. (AP) — The Army's training hub in Georgia was renamed Fort Moore during a ceremony Thursday, replacing the name of a Confederate officer that had adorned the base for more than a century with that of a decorated Vietnam War commander and his wife.

    The name change for the post formerly known as Fort Benning had been in the making for more than a year, since an independent commission recommended in May 2022 renaming nine of its bases commemorating Confederate officers.

    Soldiers and dignitaries attended a ceremony Thursday unveiling the new sign that will stand outside the base headquarters. The post commander, Maj. Gen. Curtis Buzzard, welcomed attendees for the first time to Fort Moore, named in honor of the late Lt. Gen. Hal Moore and his wife, Julia Moore.

    Located just outside Columbus, the Georgia base trains soldiers to fight in the infantry, to serve in tank crews and is home to the elite Army Ranger School. Roughly 70,000 soldiers and civilian workers are stationed there.


    The name Fort Moore marks the first time the Army has named a base in honor of a married couple.

    Hal Moore served in Vietnam as commander of a cavalry battalion based at Fort Benning and was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. Julia Moore successfully lobbied the Pentagon to adopt a policy that military families would be notified of war casualties in person rather than by telegram.

    “Together Hal and Julie Moore embody the very best of our military and our nation,” Buzzard told the ceremony crowd. “And the renaming of this installation as Fort Moore is a fitting tribute to their lifelong dedication to the Army and its soldiers and their families.”

    Founded in 1918 as Camp Benning, the Georgia base had long been named for Henry L. Benning, a justice on the Georgia Supreme Court who vocally supported secession after Abraham Lincoln won the presidency in 1860. Benning joined the Confederate Army during the Civil War and rose to the rank of brigadier general.

    The name changes are part of a broader effort by the U.S. military to confront racial injustice. The Pentagon in January ordered that the names of Confederate officers and soldiers be stripped from bases, ships, streets and other places by the end of the year.

    Some of the changes have already been completed. Fort Pickett in Virginia became Fort Barfoot in March. And Fort Hood, Texas, was renamed Fort Cavazos on Tuesday.

    Others will soon follow. Fort Bragg in North Carolina will be redesignated Fort Liberty next month. Later this year in Georgia, Fort Gordon outside Augusta will be renamed for former President Dwight Eisenhower, who served as a five-star Army general. No date has been set.

  19. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019

    Well racism isn't confined to the south. Once ex slaves migrated north in large numbers. Northern whites became more "sympathetic" to southern attitudes on race.

    The vast majority of confederate statues, monuments and fort naming occurred decades after the war. Southerners had to wait for northern anger over the war to pass. Then it was free to begin rewriting the civil war as purely a "states rights" issue.
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